Nikeeta Visiting Temple in Kathmandu.
On Thursday 22nd of May, my mum and I set off a journey to Nepal. I was quiet anxious to the way to the plane. But I was quite shy getting on to the plane because there were so many people on the plane. Where we went up to the sky it get like is I was riding a parachute. It was so speedy that it made me laugh so much. When we landed, I got it a bit of sick. We arrived at Dehli in India to transfer another plane to Kathmandu.
That day we arrived at Kathmandu airport in Nepal. It was so hot I couldn’t even stand still for two seconds. It was beautifully surrounded by mountains. Other hand I was excited to see my family. I went to Maiphu in Kathmandu.
I went to my grandmother house in Banasthali. There were a lot of cute dogs
on the road. I saw Shristi didi, Anu didi, Parbati didi and Saghun dada. They had three dogs named Nikku, Tommy and Joshhu. Then I saw my thulu phupu and maili phupu.

On the third day I went to Shyambhu nath. It was exciting but when I went up there it was slippery and so steep. If you lived in Kathmandu you would see a big statue of Buddha. Then we went to Hanuman Dhoka. We saw lot of things and had lot of ice cream. We saw money, plates, keys, bed, crowns, gallery, medals, war uniforms, badges, office, chairs, swords, trophies, child clothes, dead star fish and fish, dead horse frames, art views. There were tiny shops but they were messy. We went to Mephi mandir and saw lot of gods and statues. We went around touching roles. It was so awesome that I was in a temple for the first time ever.

Last of all my loving relatives, my mamas are nice because they give me lots of money. My maijus are nice because they gave me anything I like. My bajai is very old. My bajai really cares about me.
When mum and I were going back we caw the Himalayas. They were so high I didn’t even know which one was Mt. Everest. In one hand I was so excited to see England in the other hand I was a bit sad to leave Kathmandu.

Nikeeta Gurung (9 Years)