गोर्खाली युथ यू के को गोरखामा स्वास्थ्य शिबिर २०१४

नविना गुरुङग

बिबिन्न पेश ब्यबसाय लगायतको परिस्थिति बाबजुद आफ्नो जन्म थलो एतिहासिक जिल्ला गोर्खाका बिभिन्न गाउ बस्तीहरु छाडी बेलायत बस्ने गुरुङग युवा युबतिहरुले आफ्नै तह बाट गरिएको रकम संकलन मार्फत युबाहरुको संगठन गोरखाली युथ यू के को तर्फ बाट गृह जिल्ला गोरखाको श्रीनाथ
कोट र मकैसिङ्ग गाउमा निशुल्क स्वास्थ्य शिबिर संचालन गरि स्थानिया जनसमुदायमा सेवामुलक

कोषाध्यक्षको स्वागत तथा शुभकामना

राज कुमार गुरुङ  
पहाडी बजार गोर्खाको आगनमा ओर्लाने बितिकै welcome to Gorkha अक्षर हरुको यस्तै स्वगत मिल्छ ! एतिहासिक स्थल र शाह बंशीय राजाहरुको उदगम थलो र नेपालको पुरानो राजधानी हाम्रो गोरखा ! यही जिल्लामा जन्म भइ बिभिन्न पेशा ब्यबसाय को कारणले हाल यू के को बिभिन्न स्थानमा बसोबास गरि आउनु भएका सम्पूर्ण गुरुङग हरुको साझा सस्था हो गोर्खा जिल्ला गुरुङग समाज यू के ! कुन परिस्थिति, कुन एस्थितिमा र कुन उदेस्यले हाम्रो समाजको जन्म गरियो यस प्रति म दोर्याऊंन चाहन्न ! किन भने तपाई हरुले हाम्रो पहिलो ....२०१० ... २०११ मा नै पदी सक्नु भएको छ ! मात्र स्मरण गराउन चाहन्छु ! एउटा बिसुदा परोपकारी उदेश्यले स्थापना गरिएको समाज हो हाम्रो गोरखा जिल्ला गुरुङग समाज यू के !
हाम्रो आफ्नै कला सस्कृति र


Major Prembahadur Gurung was born in Nepane village in Gorkha and had his primary education there. He had his main education in a boarding school in Pokhara and enlisted in the Brigade of Gurkha in 1989. He was commissioned in 2008 and has recently been promoted to the rank of Major. We are immensely pleased that he has taken over the appointment of Gurkha Major of 2nd Royal Gurkha Rifles (2 RGR) from June 2014.  All members of Gorkha Zilla Gurung Samaj UK would like to congratulate Major Prem and his wife Mrs. Goma Gurung in achieving this achieving prestigious rank. We sincerely wish him every success in his tenure.
Gurkha Major the Second Royal Gurkha Rifles - Major Prembahadur Gurung Major Prembahadur Gurung comes from Nepane, Kerabari, Gorkha District.  He enlisted into the Brigade of


Man Gurung

Man Gurung
Everest Business Accelerator Ltd
Mousetail Web Services Ltd
Entrepreneur is a French word that is now widely used by business people who provide services or products. According to Wikipedia, “Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a business or an organization. An entrepreneur develops a business model, acquires the human and other necessary resources, and is fully responsible for its success or failure”. 
Many people are questioning or interpreting entrepreneurship with suspicion and its prospect. I have known

तमु सस्कार सस्कृति र यस अन्तर्गत नाचिने केहि नाचहरु

हरि गुरुङ
मिडिया संयोजक
गोरखा जिल्ला समाज/ गोर्खाली गुरुङग समाज यू के

तमुहरुको सस्कार र सस्कृतिमा गरिने कर्मकाण्ड र नाचगानहरु त धेरै छन् l  प्राचिन कालमा यस्ता सस्कार धेरै भए पनि हाल आएर धेरै लोप भई सकेको र लोप हुने अबस्थामा छन यसको प्रमुख कारण भनेको अधिम काल देखि कुनै लेखअभिलेख र दस्ताबेज हरु नहुनु र राख्न नसक्नु लाई मान्न सकिन्छ  l त्यस बखत अहिलेको जस्तो पुस्तकपत्र पत्रिकामा लेख्ने चलन थिएँन परापुर्ब कालमा लेख अभिलेख हरु राख्न शिला पत्र र ताम्र पत्रको चलन भएको पाइन्छ l
तमु हरुको सस्कार सस्कृतिको अभिलेक नहुनुमा यस   प्रकारको लेख दस्ताबेजमा उतार्नु नसक्नुतयार भएका
अभिलेख लाई सुरचित राख्न नसक्नु र त्यस बखतका शासक बर्गहरुबाट दमन शोरण र नष्ट गरिएको कुरा धेरै


Nikeeta Visiting Temple in Kathmandu.
On Thursday 22nd of May, my mum and I set off a journey to Nepal. I was quiet anxious to the way to the plane. But I was quite shy getting on to the plane because there were so many people on the plane. Where we went up to the sky it get like is I was riding a parachute. It was so speedy that it made me laugh so much. When we landed, I got it a bit of sick. We arrived at Dehli in India to transfer another plane to Kathmandu.
That day we arrived at Kathmandu airport in Nepal. It was so hot I couldn’t even stand still for two seconds. It was beautifully surrounded by mountains. Other hand I was excited to see my family. I went to Maiphu in Kathmandu.
I went to my grandmother house in Banasthali. There were a lot of cute dogs

Former Miss UK Nepal 2011 Gaumaya Gurung

Name : Gaumaya Gurung  
Parents : Mr Kesar and Mrs Rupa Gurung. 
Village : Kaldung, Gorkha 
Education Master of Optometry,Aston University 2014
Employment : Optometrist at Vision Express and a freelance  emcee    
Volunteer  Roles  and  Achievements
1. Founding President of Mukti  UK:  2009 – to date
We  have  been  fundraising  since  2009  by  organising  awareness  programmes,  talent  shows, film  screenings  and  selling t-shirts and merchandise made by victims of human trafficking. So far, we have been able to facilitate Maiti Nepal Rescue Centre in New Delhi and the Training Centre in Nepal. In 2013, we organised a vigil against gender violence in Nepal and sent a letter


The grass always looks greener on the other side. Comparison and competition are the ugliest twins. Instead of weighing, there is a great joy in celebrating the achievements of our youths. It is essential we speak of unity, practice selfless administration and have faith in our youths

Trailwalker UK 2014 – Gorkhalichorriz Team at the Finishing Point. Trailwalker initially started as a training programme for the Queen’s Gurkha Signals in 1981 in Hong Kong. In 1986 Oxfam Hong Kong were the co-organisers of the event along with the Queen’s Gurkha Signals and it was from this moment onwards that civilian teams were also able to participate in the event. Trailwalker team consists of four members who go through several checkpoints as a team and try to finish the 100km route. In the UK, Trailwalker is held across the South Down starting at Queen’s Elizabeth Park and finishing at the Brighton Racecourse. The event is hugely

Gorkhali Boys’ Team - Trailwalker UK 2013

Gorkhali Boys’ Team took part in Trailwalker UK 2013 and completed the 100km distance in 23 hours 11 minutes. They managed to raise over £1600 for the Charity. We would like to thank all members of our Samaj who sponsored the team.